Converting the DBText Borrower Database

The DBText borrower database needs to be converted into a comma delimited file in the proper format to be loaded into Koha via Import Patrons in the Tools menu. Most of the fields can be mapped into the corresponding Koha fields. The branch code and an initial password need to be added. We have added a number of fields to DBText that will be needed by Koha.

DBTextMembers is patterned after DBTextCheck.  It can be downloaded here. It does some formatting checks on phone numbers and dates.

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Dumping & Checking DBText Data

DBTextCheck will check exported borrower, catalog or loans files for blank records or missing required fields.  The name of the file to be checked is the only required parameter.   Blank record output defaults to DBTblanks.csv.  Records missing required fields will be written to DBTinvalid.csv.

DBTextCheck will produce a summary of each field showing the field name, blank count, maximum length and number of CR/LFs in the field.  DBTextCheck can be downloaded here Continue reading